Chimney Cleaning

“We Care About The Air You Breathe”

WETT Inspection & Chimney Cleaning

We focus on wood burning appliances because they account for 25% of home heating fires. The leading factor contributing to home heating fires is the failure to clean chimneys and wood burning appliances regularly.

WETT Inspection Trained Technician

Tout’Sweep Chimney Cleaning proudly serves the Bragg Creek area, Calgary, and Cochrane. Honesty, integrity, and professionalism are the core values of our Calgary chimney cleaning company.

Wood Energy Technology Transfer Inc. is a non-profit training and education association that provides professional training & promotes the safe and effective use of wood-burning systems in Canada.

calgary chimney sweeper

Protecting Your Family and Your Investment

  • Nearly half (48%) of all home heating fires occur in December, January, and February.
  • Keep in mind, the only safe chimney is a CLEAN chimney. To achieve this, it is recommended to have your chimney cleaned once per year by a certified chimney technician.

The National Fire Code of Canada states:

  • That every chimney, flue, and flue pipe shall be inspected to identify any dangerous condition at intervals no greater than 12 months.
  • The presence in a chimney of deposits of soot or creosote in excess of 3mm thick will indicate the need for immediate cleaning.

We service NW & SW Calgary, Bragg Creek, Cochrane, and Spring Bank.